The Java Import Utility works with a configuration file in order to import your data as you would like it. The file includes a number of parameters; whilst you don't need them all, full details for each one provided.
Name: api.targeturl
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: A fullly qualified URL
Description: This the URL of the Via API, it will most likely be the cloud URL of one of the Via clusters but can by your own on premise url
Example: api.targeturl =
Name: api.userkey
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: A fullly qualifiyed URL
Description: This the API Key that will with an email address provide you access to the REST API For Via
Example: api.userkey = a6ce7286c137656b40fb63213e078740
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: view or form
Description: what do you want to convert by i.e what do you want the mongo db collections named after view/form
Example: = view
Name: convert.forms
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: (The forms that you want converting
Description: document that use which forms do you want converting, leave blank for all
Example: convert.forms = memo, config
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: readers/authors/all/none
Description: which security field types do you want convert
Example: = all
Name: = Local
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: local/remote/both
Description: the target for the conversion
Example: = Local
Name: convert.uniqueID
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: guid or unid
Description: which Domino document ID you want to key on. UNID is the Domino universal ID and only unique within a single database, where as the GUID is unique across a whole system (the only real reason to use GUID is if you are merging multiple NSFs into a single MongoDB)
Example: convert.uniqueID = unid
Name: convert.views
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: (The views that you want converting
Description: documents that are in which views that you want converting, leave blank for all
Example: convert.views = Admin\\All Documents
Name: db.mongo.adminbd
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: a text string without special charaxters
Description: the database name in which all settings and structure data will be stored
Example: db.mongo.adminbd= NSF2MongoDB
Name: db.mongo.logbd
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: a text string without special characters
Description: the database name in which all logged action are stored
Example: db.mongo.logbd = logsdb
Name: db.mongo.password
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text String)
Description: The user account on the mongo db that you wish to perform the database migration
Example: db.mongo.password = password
Name: db.mongo.portnumber
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: (the port number that you MongoDB is listening on)
Description: If you have setup your target MongoDB to listen on an alternative port to 27017 then you can change that with this parameter
Example: db.mongo.portnumber = 27017
Name: db.mongo.servername
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (Either a FQDN for the server or an IP address )
Description: The target MongoDB server is you are migrating data directly to a server rather than the LDC Via API
Example: db.mongo.servername =
Name: db.mongo.targetbds
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (one or more collection name names
Description: This is the name of the target collection that you want the databases migrated to, if there are the same number of target collections as there are source databases in "nsf.sourceDbNames" then they will be paired off, if there is only one target collection then all source databases will be migrated to that one collection, if the collection already exists then database will be appended / updated within that collection (the existing collection will not be replaced with a new one)
Example: db.mongo.targetbds = issHomeNewtest
Name: db.mongo.username
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text String)
Description: The user account on the mongo db that you wish to perform the database migration
Example: db.mongo.username = root
Name: db.mongo.usersbd
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: a text string without special characters
Description: the database name in which all user and group details will be stored
Example: db.mongo.usersbd = nsf2users
Name: language
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: EN (currently that is the only value we support as we have not done the other language translations)
Description: The 2 letter value for the language the tool will run in.
Example: language = EN
Name: licence
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: (a valid licence phrase
Description: Licence phrase, only valid for beta or an enterprise key, this defaults to beta if no org.licenseKey is present
Example: licence = demo
Name: logging.runlog
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: Any valid file name for your operating system
Description: This is the name of the text file that is generated with details of the migration that is generated when you run the command line tool
Example: logging.runlog = runlog.txt
Name: nsf.idPassword
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (any text string)
Description: This is the password for the id file that is referenced in the notes.ini that is being used by the Java Command line tool
Example: nsf.idPassword = password
Name: nsf.sourceDbNames
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (one or more database names
Description: The source database that you want converted if there are multiple database then it must have the same number as db.mongo.targetbds
Example: nsf.sourceDbNames = Directory\\Documents.nsf , extrastruff.nsf
Name: nsf.sourceNAB
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: names.nsf
Description: The source name and address book that will be used for user and group lookup.
Example: nsf.sourceNAB = names.nsf
Name: nsf.sourceNABView
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: ($VIMPeople)
Description: The view in the name and address book that you want to use for your name look ups this view must have the first column in the format abbreviated full names eg Joe Bloggs/Acme
Example: nsf.sourceNABView = ($VIMPeople)
Name: nsf.sourceServerName
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (The name of the source server)
Description: The server upon which the source NSF files reside. This can be left empty to use the current server (which is the setting that you would use is you were running the utility on the actual Domino server)
Example: nsf.sourceServerName = test/acme
Name: org.address01
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.address01 = 24 Ivymount Road
Name: org.address02
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.address02 = town
Name: org.addressCity
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.addressCity = London
Name: org.addressCountry
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into mongo db but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.addressCountry = United Kingdom
Name: org.addressPostalCode
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.addressPostalCode = XX1 1XX
Name: org.addressState
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.addressState = Greater London
Name: org.licenseKey
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.licenseKey = password
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: = LDC Via Ltd
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: = 020202020202
Name: org.state
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (A text string)
Description: Part of the organisational object for your user, only needed if you are directly importing your data into MongoDB but still wish to use the LDC Via security model
Example: org.state = XXXX
Name: users.generateGroups
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: yes no
Description: if you want group names found in readers, authors and names fields to be converted into groups
Example: users.generateGroups = yes
Name: users.generateRoles
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: yes no
Description: if you want roles found in readers, authors and names fields to be converted into groups
Example: users.generateRoles = yes
Name: users.generateUsers
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: yes no
Description: If you want names found in readers, authors and names fields to be converted into user accounts
Example: users.generateUsers = yes
Name: users.userlog
Mandatory / optional: Optional
Values: Any valid file name for your operating system
Description: where to store the output log file for any users generated; this will default to 'userlog.txt' (note that plain text passwords are stored too).
Example: users.userlog = usersgenerated.txt
Mandatory / optional: Mandatory
Values: (a valid email address)
Description: This the email address that will with an API key will provide you access to the LDC Via REST API.
Example: =